Fatigue management forum - Managing fatigue without technology | Commissioner for Resources Safety & Health Skip to content

Fatigue management forum - Managing fatigue without technology

22 March 2024

The management of fatigue in the coal mining industry will be the focus of an upcoming forum hosted on Tuesday 28 May in Emerald by the Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee.

Fatigue management forum bannerInterim Commissioner for Resources Safety and Health and Chair of CMSHAC Andrew Clough urged all coal mining industry leaders and health and safety professionals to attend the forum to share their knowledge and to gain better insight into contemporary fatigue management practices.

“Over the past decade, the coal mining industry has taken great strides in recognising the risk of fatigue to workers and has implemented strategies to mitigate those risks,” Andrew said.

“However, fatigue and its management remains a significant health and safety issue for mine workers.

“This forum will be an opportunity for the coal mining industry to discuss the key factors that contribute to fatigue risk, how those risks can be managed and what can be done to improve fatigue management.

“Presenters and panel members including specialist fatigue experts, as well as industry leaders from the Mining and Energy Union, Resources Safety and Health Queensland, Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, will explore the topic of managing the causes of fatigue.

“I invite all industry leaders and safety and health professionals in the coal mining industry to join the Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee to chart the way forward to ensure fatigue is managed effectively in our industry and we improve safety for coal mine workers and those affected by the coal mining industry.”

The forum will be held from 9am to 3pm on Tuesday 28 May 2024 at the Emerald Star Hotel in Emerald. Registrations are now open. Please register by Friday 24 May (registration links below).

There is no cost to attend, but tickets are limited.

Click here to register to attend the forum https://www.trybooking.com/1196794

Last updated: 22 Mar 2024